Benchrest Service Rifle Bolt Match
Mar. 02, 2025
Service Rifle Bolt Action Competition!
Following Winter Rifle MatchDate: Sunday March 2, 202510:00 to 10:30 AM sign-up; gate closes at 10:30.
Location and details:
Lower Range Outdoor Benches
•20 Shots in 20 minutes at NRA SR-21 reduced target at 100 yards, bolt-action only, no semi-autos, no 22LR trainers, no optics, irons only!
Single bipod, sandbag, or rest under barrel (forward of receiver).
Military bolt-action with issue iron sights in native service caliber;
NO sporterized rifles
One winner based on highest number of 10 & X-Ring hits.
Qualifies as CMP sanctioned match for M1 Rifle purchase.
Multiple relays (Six participants per relay)
Your equipment: Military issue bolt-action service rifle from any country/period in the service rifle combat caliber (20+ round), earmuffs, rifle rest, safety glasses, optional spotting scope.
No 22LRs.
No sporterized rifles or trainers; must be original issue configuration.
Iron sights only!
Per entry: $5.00 for winter rifle match participants with a minimum of 4 matches in current Dec.2024/2025 season.
$10.00 for non-participants of the winter rifle matches.
Benchrest Service Rifle Bolt Match_3_2_2025.pdf
M1 Carbine Benchrest Match
Mar. 16, 2025
M1 Carbine Benchrest Match Following Winter Rifle Match
Location and details:
Lower Range Outdoor Benches
•20 shots in 10 minutes at NRA SR-1 target at 100 yards.
?Single bipod, sandbag, or rest under barrel (forward of receiver).
?One winner based on best ten scored target hits.
?Qualifies as CMP sanctioned match for M1 Rifle purchase.
?Multiple relays (Six participants per relay.)
Your equipment: US Carbine, Cal. 30 M1 orginal military or commercial copy. Univeral, Plainfield, Iver Johnson, National Ord, Kahr Arms, Alpine, Inland, or original government manfacture in the .30 carbine caliber. No 22LR copies of any type (such as Erma M-1, Ruger 10/22, Iver Johnson .22LR). No scopes or optics. Iron sights only!
Per entry: $5.00 for winter rifle match participants with a minimum of 4 matches in current Dec.2024/2025 season.
$10.00 for non-participants of the winter rifle matches.
Benchrest M1_Carbine_Match_3_16_2025.pdf
M1 Garand Benchrest Match
Mar. 30, 2025
M1 Garand Benchrest Match Following Winter Rifle Match
Location and details:
Lower Range Outdoor Benches •20 shots in 20 minutes at NRA SR-21 target at 100 yards.
?Single bipod, sandbag, or rest under barrel (forward of receiver).?One winner based on highest score using shots "in the black". Ties decided by X-ring hits.
?Qualifies as CMP sanctioned match for M1 Rifle purchase.
?Multiple relays (Six participants per relay.)Your equipment: US Rifle, Cal. 30 M1 orginal military or SA commercial copy in 30-06 or 7.62mm NATO. Rifles can be loaded single shot, or by enblock clips. NO SCOPES or OPTICS; issue or match sights only.
Per entry: $5.00 for winter rifle match participants with a minimum of 4 matches in current Dec.2024/2025 season.
$10.00 for non-participants of the winter rifle matches.
Benchrest M1_Garand_Match 3_30_2025.pdf